Previous Work

Most recently, at HackUMBC, a MLH Hackathon my group of 3 and I built a (incomplete) WebApp called Psynopsys. The WebApp has not fully implemented the tools we created but it will as soon as my team can remeet and do some debugging. Psynopsys is a WebApp created with the intent to help loved ones, counselors, parents, etc. pick up on, and more confidently help someone out with mental health issues. The WebApp has the potential to scrape a user's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram profiles, as well as take in raw text to emotionally analyze the text. The text is then analyzed using an API from IBM Watson called Tone Analyzer. Tone Analyzer is a Machine Learning service that gives the probabilities of a certain emotion reflected in text. Our team created an algorithim to interpret multiple messages with different emotional sentiments to show a likeliness for the person to be at risk for various kinds of mental health issues like depression, and anxiety. What's done is 24 hours of hackathon work, and there is much to come!

Computer Science is a field unlike many others, distinguished by the constant evolution of a the tools and options of a computer scientist. Because of this, it is important to be versed in many languages, and be able to self teach yourself many different concepts and issues. At my first hackathon, HopHacks 2017, my partner and I decided we would attempt to hone this skills and build a game of Poker in a new language to us, C#. A good first experience, and example of quick self teaching.

Most of my other previous work is posted onto Github, there is not much so far, but my feet are fresh in the world of computer science, and there is more to come! Stay tuned! Currently building websites, writing algorithims, and trying to innovate our world.


(302) 588-7120


Northern Delaware
United States of America